Wednesday, July 22, 2009

So apparently now am I actually seven weeks...

I am not sure how this could be right, but I went and got my eight week check up and ultrasound today and I am just today SEVEN weeks. WHAT? Everytime I turn around this gets pushed back.

Plus, I know that they days are not exactly always perfectly accurate on day of conception, but really that would put it on a Wednesday. Highly unlikely that we had sex on a Wednesday. Maybe we did though, who knows? I was still allowed to drink then, so I could have things confused.

Anyway, just a quick SERIOUSLY? I just want to be further along, so the baby is not so fragile!

Oh, and I was really hoping I was further along then they first thought, because that would explain more of the reason I have put on TEN pounds since finding out. As the OB said today,
"Uh, we usually like to see weight gain between zero and four pounds in the first trimester"

Me- "Um yea that seems reasonable, I will work on this weight I have put on"

I just need to take my ass to the gym

UGHH. Not my best day. Only highlight baby's heartbeat is a healthy 152 beats a minute.

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